United Way of Northwest Vermont
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VBSR Members Get It: Strong Communities are Good for Business

Community engagement matters.Hundreds of local businesses, including many VBSR members, partner with United Way of Northwest Vermont (UWNWVT) to strengthen their community ties, bolster their corporate responsibility programs, and encourage collaboration and comradery by engaging employees in community issues they care about.



Larry Rudiger, a Senior Lecturer at University of Vermont, started donating to United Way through UVM’s Workplace Campaign when he was a graduate student. Decades later he continues to give and is also a dedicated United Way volunteer.“Part of what I love about United Way is it helps me understand what I don’t see. It helps me understand the hidden food insecurity. The hidden housing insecurity. The problems that people face with lacking early education for their kids,” says Larry. “All of the challenges that we face, United Way is there.”


United Way makes it easy and convenient for businesses to contribute to the health and well-being of their local community.Setting up employee donations through payroll deduction is easier than ever with United Way’s new online tools. And United Way staff are there to help businesses run successful, engaging, and FUN Workplace Campaigns that get your whole team involved.



For every $1 donated to United Way Workplace Campaigns, United Way invests $3 back into the community.Our community’s needs are overlapping and interconnected – from housing and food insecurity to mental health and substance misuse issues to workforce challenges. United Way of Northwest Vermont brings together local people to work on local solutions.Through the power of collaboration and leveraging volunteers and other funding sources, United Way triples the impact of every donation through workplace campaigns.



In 2023, UWNWVT is investing $6.5 million in local organizations, strategic initiatives, and its own programs to address five key priorities: Promoting Mental Health, Supporting Families, Meeting Basic Needs, Reducing Substance Misuse, and Fostering Financial Stability.We all have times when we need help, and times when we can give help. Giving to United Way strengthens community resources so help is there when it’s needed.


Start a campaign today!