United Way of Northwest Vermont
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An image banner depicting an RSVP volunteer helping a student read and a second image of a man delivering meals on wheels packages while holding a clipboard.

Channeling Talent & Experience

RSVP: A Volunteer Program for Adults 55+

Older adults have a wealth of experience that can be shared in ways that help improve our community. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP is a special program designed for individuals 55 and older to connect and share their talent and experience through volunteering.

This program is a win-win – it enriches volunteers’ lives by helping them to meet new friends, connect to their community and stay active. Many Vermonters find volunteering especially rewarding after their children have left home or they’ve retired from work.

We recruit and mobilize RSVP volunteers to address community needs that align with our Key Strategies. Volunteers choose how, where and how often they want to volunteer. Opportunities are as diverse as our community, including:

  • Mentoring and tutoring children
  • Supporting local food shelves
  • Delivering meals to seniors
  • Supporting healthy aging

Connect with us to find these and other local volunteer opportunities. Our Volunteer Connection staff will help you find the right opportunity – whether it’s once a week, once a month or once in a while.  To learn more about the RSVP program, please contact Danielle Schwer, danielle@unitedwaynwvt.org, or at (802) 861-7821.

United Way of Northwest Vermont is a proud grantee of AmeriCorps Seniors. We receive funding from them to operate our RSVP program.



To become an RSVP volunteer, please send your completed application to Danielle Schwer at danielle@unitedwaynwvt.org or mail it to 412 Farrell Street, Suite 200, South Burlington VT 05403. If you have any questions, please contact Danielle at 802-861-7821.


United Way of Northwest Vermont*** September 16, 2022