Peggy’s story is an example of how United Way promotes optimal health and well-being.
RSVP Bone Builders is about about bringing Vermonters together to build positive relationships and forge a path to healthy aging. Participants enjoy learning from vibrant leaders from their own age group within their own community. While classmates are working to build strong bones, they are also building life-long friendships and working towards their common goal of healthier aging.

Osteoporosis is a painful and costly problem amongst Vermont seniors and our population is aging rapidly. For example, the physical, emotional, and financial impacts of a broken hip (estimated at $90,000 per fracture) can be devastating – yet we can anticipate that one of seven Vermont men and one of three Vermont women aged 50+ will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
Many older Vermonters live alone, in rural settings, on limited incomes. The cost of accessing weight training classes, as well as the travel involved, often make attending classes out of reach for those who need them most.
Bone Builders classes are offered twice per week and include weight training, balance building exercises and nutritional education. Classes are volunteer-led, free of charge to all participants and are currently offered in South Burlington, Burlington, Richmond, Hinesburg, Essex, and Williston and are often held in congregate living facilities, further reducing barriers to participation.
United Way recruits and trains all volunteer Bone Builders class leaders, seeks out community partner locations, publicizes classes and offers continuing educational support to class leaders.